Dex Heller
played by Evan Hofer
Character Biography
Dex Heller is a vet; he joined the Army out of high school and served in Afghanistan. He was discharged after an altercation with a superior officer who was abusing his family. Dex is estranged from his own family; he has referred to having brothers but it's not clear whether that was a cover story or is true. After leaving the Army, Dex went to work for an unnamed private security firm who referred him to Michael Corinthos. Michael hired Dex to infiltrate Sonny's organization and gather evidence against him. While working for Sonny, Dex met Sonny's stepdaughter Josslyn Jacks and was forced to ask for her help after he was shot carrying out illegal operations for Sonny. Dex helped save Josslyn when she was attacked by the Hook (Heather Webber) and the two became on-again, off-again lovers. He is currently pursuing a new career at the PCPD, having left Sonny and a life of crime behind him.
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
- Curtis Ashfordplayed by Donnell Turner
- Jordan Ashfordplayed by Tanisha Harper
- T.J. Ashfordplayed by Tajh Bellow
- Elizabeth Baldwinplayed by Rebecca Herbst
- Cody Bellplayed by Josh Kelly
- John Brennanplayed by Charles Mesure
- Harrison Chaseplayed by Josh Swickard
- Laura Collinsplayed by Genie Francis
- Sasha Corbinplayed by Sofia Mattsson
- Michael Corinthosplayed by Chad Duell
- Sonny Corinthosplayed by Maurice Benard
- Willow Corinthosplayed by Katelyn MacMullen
- Kristina Corinthos-Davisplayed by Kate Mansi
- Alexis Davisplayed by Nancy Lee Grahn
- Anna Devaneplayed by Finola Hughes